Brief Checklist Of Android App Concepts That Are Likely To Be Rejected By Google Play Store

In August 2010, Google announced it had recorded over 1 billion downloads from the play store, making it the biggest and most used app store. Fast forward 2017, things have even got better for the Google Play store with well over 65 billion app downloads recorded in 2016. Smart phone apps are definitely the way to go in today’s world, but Android apps are even on an entirely different level. The popularity of mobile apps has er way to an entirely new generation of entrepreneurs who have hit gold mine developing useful day to day apps for smart phone users. Becoming one of the gold diggers in the world of mobile app development isn’t rocket science, the right idea, the ideal budget and a competent developer is guaranteed to deliver success. Competent and budget friendly Android app developers are proving harder to find as their demand keeps increasing.


A good knowledge of the pros and cons, the terms and conditions, the rules and regulations and the market demands will go a long way to ensure all your effort and investments don’t go in vain. Just like the Apple app store, Google as the umpire employs a lot of strategy, technology and manpower to stipulate, dictate and regulate what’s allowed and what isn’t in the app store to avoid exploitation or lawlessness of any sort. Google increasingly demands a high level of commitment to quality and standards from Android app developers. Below outlined in the succeeding sub-headed paragraphs are a list of contents and concepts not accepted by Google Inc on the Play store.


Probably the most censored by Google. Android apps that in any way promote, depict, or display contents or concepts deemed to be violent will be rejected. Popular targets include apps promoting any terrorist groups, their idea or attacks, apps promoting suicides, bomb making or dishing out instructions on how to harm any person animal or destroy valuables, apps with contents depicting violent threats to a person, group of people or government.

Sexually Explicit Contents


Arguably one of the most debated restriction as a few users feel they should have the power to decide interest in these materials or otherwise. However, sources from around Google maintains it is hard or almost imposs