The Ultimate Keys to Success

1) Specialized Education and KnowledgeThe first step is to acquire specialized education, knowledge, and training in the field that you intend to succeed.


In other words, you must LEARN first, in order to SUCCEED next. Your mind and knowledge must ALWAYS grow upwards. Once we stop learning, we die mentally.

Someone tells you to build a house. So what do you do? Where do you start? The mentality of an unsuccessful person might cause them to respond, ‘I can’t build a house, I’ve never done it before, and I don’t know how.

‘However, the mentality of a successful person will cause them to respond, ‘How can I build this Although I’ve never done it before, where can I start learning how?’It all boils down to an extremely powerful 3-word question:


Basically, a successful person will find a way to ‘Figure it out.’ He or she will do what it takes to acquire the specialized education and knowledge used in the house building and construction industry, and figure out, ‘How can I?’The successful person will also leverage his or her time by tapping into the knowledge of other successful people in the industry, hopefully experts in the house construction field. They say, ‘No man is an island’, or ‘Two heads are better than one.

‘As the successful person works on acquiring the assistance of other successful people, the otherwise daunting task of building and constructing a house is well on its way, while the unsuccessful person didn’t even get the task off the ground.

Quite a difference that three-word question makes, doesn’t it?Not ‘I CAN’T!’, but instead ‘HOW CAN I?”Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.’ – Malcolm Forbes

2) Specific GoalsThe second step is to commit to specific, attainable, time-bound goals. As soon as you commit to your goals, it is important to simply share your goals with a supportive loved one.

Everybody talks about goals, and goal setting. There is an incredible amount of material on the purpose and reasoning for