Picture framing becomes important because there are lots of elements that are involved in creating a perfect picture frame. Elements that your consultant will advise you most probably from the given below, but this in no way an exhaustive list and can change from framers to framers.AAbsorbent: A term applied to papers that can absorb water solutions or other liquids such as blotting and toweling products. AcidChemical substance less then pH 7.0 or less. Acid BurnYellowish permanent stain on paper art. Acid-FreeA term that defines paper materials that has pH of 7.0. AcrylicA substitute of glass which is clear, and can be used for industrial plasticAdhesiveMaterial use for joining two materials.Alkalinea substance greater than PH 7.0 , used to neutralize the acid.Alkaline PaperA paper e https://nhacaiuytin.group/which has PH over 7.0 and has calcium carbonate filler.ANSIAcronym for American National Standards Institute.Archival ComponentsFraming materials such as mat board, mount board that are used to preserve artwork from degradation of external and internal componentArtwork SizeMeasure of the actual image which does not include borders or paper sizeASTMAn acronym for American Society for Testing and Materials.BBack PaperA paper liner put at the back of a frame. Beveled EdgeA 45 degree angle cut on the inside edge of the mat board window.BleedWhen color seeps out when in contact with water or a solvent or undesired movement of materials to adjacent material.CCalcium CarbonateCalcium carbonate is filler in alkaline paper-making, as coating pigment and as a buffering agent.ComponentsThese are contents of a picture frame and have components such as mat board, glazing and/or mount board.Conservation FramingA type of framing that keeps the artwork as unaltered as possible while using materials which minimize the artwork’s deterioration by environmental factors. ConservatorA professional who specializes in the restoration and conservation of artifacts such as photographs, artwork, and documents. DDouble MatThis has two (2) mat boards (top and bottom). The window (opening) of the bottom mat surrounds the image. Dust CoverA liner paper put at back of a frame to keep dust out of the frame EEphemeraItems, normally made of paper, created for a specific, limited purpose such as advertisements, tickets, brochures and receipts.ErasabilityAbility of a surface to remove light pencil lines with a rubber or gum eraser.FFadingOvertime change in color of paper. FilletComponents placed inside a larger frame or in between mat boards such as enhancers GGessoMixture of animal glue binder, chalk, and white pigment used as primer coat on wood panels, canvas, and sculpture. Modern gesso may be acrylic or soy-based and comes in a variety of colors.GicléeA high-quality fine art print created with an inkjet printer.GlareBright and dazzling reflected light.GlassA type of glazing used in picture framing. Glass is commonly composed of sodium carbonate, lime